Online Security
Helpful Tips
Online Security
Encryption helps protect your private information by scrambling it so that anyone else cannot intercept and read it. When you visit a site that requires encryption, your browser will display a key or a lock. The key or lock will be broken if you are not in a secure area.
Our firewall protects BOK Financial's systems by allowing entry only to authorized users.
For digital identity verification, the online access system has a digital server certificate by VeriSign that your browser uses each time you sign on to verify that indeed you are connected to BOK Financial's online access.
What is a phishing scam?
Phishing is an email scam that attempts to trick consumers into revealing personal information — such as their credit or debit card account numbers, checking account information, Social Security numbers, or banking account passwords — through fake websites or in a reply email. Typically the emails and websites use familiar logos and slick graphics to deceive consumers into thinking the sender or website owner is a government agency or a company they know. Sometimes the phisher urges intended victims to "confirm" account information that has been "stolen" or "lost." Other times the phisher entices victims to reveal personal information by telling them they have won a special prize or earned an exciting reward.
Spotting a phish
While phishing emails can be quite sophisticated in appearance, the following features are often indicators. An email could be a scam if it:
- Asks you to provide personal information such as your bank account number, an account password, credit card number, PIN, mother's maiden name or social security number.
- Fails to address you by your name.
- Warns that your account will be shut down unless you reconfirm your financial information.
- Warns that you have been the victim of fraud.
- Has spelling or grammatical errors.
How to stay safe online
- Keep the security features of your computer software up to date. This includes your Web browser, virus scan software and a firewall.
- Be cautious. View any email request for financial information or other personal data with suspicion. Do not reply to the email or respond by clicking on a link within the email message.
- Don't open emails or attachments from unknown sources. Be suspicious of any unexpected email attachments, even if they appear from someone you know.
- Go directly to the company website by opening a new browser window and typing in the Web address.
- Contact the business that allegedly sent the email to verify its authenticity. Call a phone number or visit a website that you know to be legitimate, such as those provided on your monthly statements.
- Do NOT send personal information (e.g., credit or debit card number, Social Security number, online passwords, or PIN) in response to an email request from anyone or any entity.
- Review your statements. Check your monthly statements to verify all transactions.
- Always log off the website after you have submitted an application or concluded a secure online session (such as Online Access).
- Be careful and selective before providing your email address to a questionable website. Providing your email address makes you more likely to receive fraudulent emails.
Remember, BOK Financial will never ask you for personal information via email.
For more information about protecting yourself online, phishing scams and identity theft, visit:
Your user ID and password are the keys to your accounts, and both identification codes are required to unlock access to your accounts. You can use the following guidelines for selecting strong usernames and passwords for online and mobile access.
Tips for creating a strong username
- Avoid using personal information like your first or last name, birthday or anniversary date, social security number, email address, mailing address, phone number or account number.
- Don’t use the same username on multiple websites.
- Use more than just the minimum number of characters.
- Never share your username with anyone
Tips for creating a strong password
- Don't use easy-to-guess passwords like "abc123", or obvious clues like a pet's name or your birthday.
- Don't use the same username and password on multiple websites.
- Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
- Use more than just the minimum number of characters.
- Never share your password with anyone.
- Do not write or leave your password where it can be seen.
- No BOK Financial representative will ever ask you for your online password, ever.
While BOK Financial works to protect your accounts, you also have a role. You can take several steps to ensure that your online experience on the Internet is safe and secure.
Most importantly, don't reveal your online user ID and password to anyone. Your user ID and password help protect the privacy of your online information. It's a good idea to change your password periodically.
Don't leave your computer unattended if you are in the middle of a session.
Once you have finished your session, always sign off before visiting other sites on the Internet.
If anyone else is likely to use your computer, clear your browser cache or turn off your browser and re-start it to eliminate copies of Web pages stored on your hard drive. How you clear your cache will depend on your browser and version. This function is generally found in the browser's preferences menu.
BOK Financial recommends using a browser with 128-bit encryption.
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