FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Risk Affiliation Offering Entity Disclosure

OFFERING ENTITY: Broker/Dealer Services and Securities offered by BOK Financial Securities, Inc., an SEC registered investment adviser, a registered broker/dealer, member FINRA/SIPC. SEC registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Insurance offered by BOSC Agency, Inc., an affiliated agency.

RISK: Investments and insurance are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of, and are not guaranteed by, any bank or any bank affiliate. Investments are subject to risks, including possible loss of principal amount invested. With respect to transactions in foreign currency, currency prices are volatile, and trading currency involves a degree of speculation. Changes in currency prices may result from various events, including governmental actions, currency devaluation, political and economic events, fluctuations in national and international inflation and interest rates, and various other market conditions. Other risks may be present in trading of any particular currency; please read all documents available, including those detailing particular risks of the specific currency contemplated, prior to investing.

AFFILIATION: Cavanal Hill Investment Management, Inc. (“Cavanal Hill”) is an SEC registered investment adviser and a wholly owned subsidiary of BOKF, NA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation, a financial holding company (“BOKF”). SEC registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Cavanal Hill provides investment advice and administrative services to the Cavanal Hill Funds and receives a fee for its services. Bank of Oklahoma provides custodial services to the Cavanal Hill Funds and receives a fee for its services.

BUSINESS RESUMPTION: BOK Financial Securities’ Business Resumption Plan has been developed in order to respond and recover should a disaster occur at one or more of our offices. The plan is designed for all of our business units to be able to resume business with the least amount of interruption to the many valuable services, which we provide to our customers.

Our plan outlines the actions BOK Financial Securities will take in the event of a building, city-wide, or regional incident, including relocating technology and operational personnel to pre-assigned alternate regional facilities. Technology data processing can also be switched to an alternate regional data center.

All BOK Financial Securities' operational facilities are equipped for resumption of business and are regularly tested. Our recovery time objective for business resumption, including those involving a relocation of personnel or technology, is typically three (3) business days. This recovery objective may be negatively affected by the unavailability of external resources and circumstances beyond our control.

In the event of a significant business interruption, customers may call the toll-free contact numbers listed on our website, securities.bokfinancial.com.

SEC Order Disclosure

Pursuant to SEC Rule 11Ac1-5 and Rule 11Ac1-6 BOK Financial Securities, Inc. utilizes Pershing, LLC, ("Pershing") as it clearing firm, and all equity and option orders are submitted to Pershing for execution. BOK Financial Securities, Inc. does not route orders to specific market makers but rather depends on Pershing to make that determination.

Pershing may receive remuneration, compensation, or other consideration for directing customer orders for equity securities to particular broker/dealers or market centers for execution. Such consideration may take the form of reciprocal business, monetary payments or financial credits. More information regarding the Pershing order-routing process is available at https://www.pershing.com/. Please enter "BOK Financial Securities, Inc.," in the "Enter Broker-Dealer's Full Name" entry field.