Healthcare Financial Services

A Leader in Healthcare Banking

With more than 20 years of experience in the Healthcare industry, we understand the unique needs and challenges you face today. We offer banking solutions tailored to help you run your business, so you can do what you do best; taking care of your patients. Click below to see some of our recent transactions.
different healthcare buildings, such as a hopital and nursing home.

Industry Expertise

While leveraging one of the strongest capital bases in the industry, our banking teams deliver nationally competitive products with the personal service you expect and deserve.

Senior Housing and Care

We provide customized and flexible banking solutions designed for owners and operators of post-acute properties, primarily skilled nursing and senior housing.

Solutions include direct and syndicated loans, derivative products, and treasury and deposit services.

Recent Successes

Hospitals and Health Systems

Our team of industry experts provide innovative financial solutions developed to address the challenges of hospitals and health systems. We take a consultative approach to understand the unique operating environment of our clients and develop solutions to meet those needs.

Solutions include patient financing, debt capital, risk management, revenue cycle management, investment banking, and institutional investments.

Recent Successes

Medical and Physician Banking

With almost 40 years of healthcare experience in the Colorado and Arizona markets, our medical expertise is unmatched. We offer products and services tailored to the needs of physicians, service medical (ambulatory, urgent cares, dialysis, blood centers, clinical labs, etc), specialty hospitals and dental practices.

Solutions include Wholesale Lockbox, ACH, Positive Pay, as well as financing for equipment acquisition, real estate, working capital and physician buy-ins.

Recent Successes

Healthcare Solutions

Treasury and revenue cycle
Safeguard your assets and keep an inventory of payments, receivables and other transactions to make informed decisions.
Financing and leasing
Get access to the capital you need. We have a number of financing options available for healthcare organizations.
Investment banking
Learn how you can gain direct access to capital markets — with guidance from personalized, detailed client representatives.
Patient financing

Managed by ClearBalance HealthCare®, we now offer zero-interest financing for patient out-of-pocket.

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